Now The Purpose=Perception model in details
Purpose = Perception model is a process to identify one’s Purpose / Passion in life and match it with the PercepƟon which one have for him/herself and what others have of him/her. When perfectly done one can achieve their desired success in life.
Creation of a clear Perception about oneself based on his NEED is what we are trying to do for the past 2 decades in our training programs. (Offline- Class room sessions), through various training programs.
Our observation is other than having “fun time”, “filling up the mandatory training hours in the training manuals (for PSU’s), enjoying five-star ambience in hotels as leisure days passed. Training sessions are not able to bring in desired permanent behavioural changes in the work place of our parƟcipants with J.I.P. (Job Improvement plan) or bring in a permanent better performance in their
work schedule.
The above observation was made while trying to provide Learning & Development solutions with our various training programs, both during and after the sessions, and also with session follow ups, on Train the Trainers, CWC – communicate with confidence, Leadership development, Marketing for Non-Marketing Professional, Finance for non-Finance Professionals, Entrepreneurship development Programs, forming the core of our learning & development solutions.
Based on our experience in dealing with participants in these sessions for more than 2 decades, we have derived our Purpose=Perception (P3) model to help future participants bring in a permanent desired change in their results over an association with us for at least a year (we also welcome their life long association with us, when they NEED to do so).
Self-Organised Learning Environment (SOLE) is created with the initiative of Visionites – A Management Consulting and Learning & Development solutions providing Company, in operation since 2001. SOLE provides participants with the best available resources to start the pursuit of their career development be it with SPEAK in ENGLISH for career upliftment, or preparing themselves for becoming an Entrepreneur, Trainer / Mentor, or building up their confidence in empowering themselves with the right association, no matter which level they are in, a start-up or in their chosen career for years, we provide them with solutions – in the right way. With a bare
minimum investment in themselves they can begin their journey towards self-empowerment.
The process of our associaƟon with our parƟcipants starts with the idenƟficaƟon of individuals’ NEED as developed by us. –
N = Net worth
E = Evaluation of Net worth
E = Emphasis on Net worth there by seƫng priorities in the main Purpose=Perception model
D = Dare to get the desired expected results (only after persistently following the Purpose=Perception model over a period of at least one year with our assistance and follow ups).
As we do not have a magic wand (no body have, wrong data used in right places, make them create the halo effect) in our hands to touch anything and turn into gold. We insist our participants to be serious in their approach towards their work / life in order to derive the desired results from us.
We normally do not believe in off the shelves (prerecorded, pre prepared contents) which are available for the participants to go through and expect results, a fit-for- all universal contents, as normally is being followed in the digital market place.
However, we have five specific models which our participants can make use of, expected to complete at least one module after NEED and Purpose=Perception model worked with us as we believe that individual participants have individual requirements, and modules should be prepared as per their needs. Which we will keep on providing during the participants’ association with us.
Our Existing modules are:
A) Speak in English for non-native human speakers.
B) Train the Trainers.
C) Marketing for non-marketing professionals
D) Finance for non-finance professionals
E) Entrepreneurship stepping stones.
We believe in the assumption – “individuals have their own requirements in their journeys towards self-development and earning NEEDs.
We Develop Humans and not Machines.
Our Purpose = Perceptions model
They fail as
A) They themselves are not willing to put in the persistence efforts required to prosper in their lives.
B) They are engulfed in their family and parental pressure to perform like their neighbours and other family members even if they do not have the acumen for expecting such types of results.
C) They believe not in their acumen, but in others saying and currently in the internet era (the era of artificial intelligence) on influencers and glib talkers who talks of great success in lives with minimum or no efforts at all. There lies the trap for the gullible and innocent people who engulf such baits.
D) Also, in this artificial intelligence era, everyone seems to forget the steps required in the process of self-development and want to avoid the associated pain in following the processes, and expects results without undergoing the labour pain, in simple words a mother expecting the baby without the associated pain and hence C-section is in vogue, with modern age mothers. The rampant transfer of money to get the desired coveted degrees / jobs, is the talk of the country.
The solutions
We, at have developed our very own Purpose model in which our enrolled participants are trained over a period to understand what they want to make out of their lives in a proper way following the needed processes and learning to cope with the associated pain, to get success in their lives, no matter whatever stage they are in their lives.
We, at S.O.L.E. are firm believers and untiring advocates that circumstances are never the reasons why one can’t win in this life, one does not win because of one’s resources but one win because of one’s resourcefulness (in non-monetary terms) and aƫtude towards life. Remember, it is not important to hold all the good cards in life. But it is important how well you play with the cards which you hold…. at SOLE we hold hands, with our participants, mostly adult learners, till they reach their PURPOSE.